Wednesday, October 20, 2010

40 Days and 40 Nights

It's been raining for two days now. No floods, but the corral is soup! I won't show you that.

Kasper's frizzy look.

Horses get noticeably grumpy when it's cold and wet out. They distinctly don't like to be saddled when their backs are wet, but if you do saddle them up, the saddle blanket warms their backs and they become somewhat less grumpy.

Peter was a little afraid of me in the big yellow jacket with the deep hood.

There's still a lot of grass out here so I won't be feeding hay for a while yet. Even when the snow comes, the horses stay busy pawing for grass. And the forecast says snow on Monday!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sneaky Pete

One of the exercises for Stage Three is this: you sit on the fender of your horse trailer, send your horse into the trailer (where you can't see him), have him stand there for ten seconds, and then ask him out again. I've set this up to practice at the shelter before we try it with the trailer.

While the camera was running, a sneaker came up who I totally didn't notice until I watched the video...